
What do Ballroom dancing and Golf have in common?

I love sports.  I hate that everybody thinks that everything is a sport.  The next Olympics will feature Ballroom dancing.  Someone will get a medal for doing the fox-trot.  I will die a little inside.

This leads to the inevitable discussion of what makes something a sport.  In my mind it is a four part test. 

1. Does it involve a ball or ball like object? 
2. Is it reported in the sports section of the newspapers on a daily basis during the season?
3. Is it something that kids play in a house-league?
4. Is Tiger Woods involved?

The last question is there to specifically exclude golf.  Golf is not a sport.  It is a hobby.

This leaves only baseball, hockey, football and basketball.  If you are in Europe then you can add soccer, cricket and rugby. 

What is not a sport?  Everything else.  Running, wrestling, cycling, boxing, horse racing, nascar etc.  This is not because these things are not hard or do not take athletic prowess - it is just because they are either races, fights or contests.  They are not sports.  Yes it is true I could not do what a world class javelin thrower does.  But that is no different than what a dart thrower does.  You have to include both or neither.  I opt for neither.

Ultimately, if you think about it running and ballroom dancing are not all that different.  I would rather exclude almost everything than include so much that what is left has no meaning.

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